TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another by listening to the humans around them and "taking statistics" on the sounds they need to know Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6monthold babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world・Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains 天才とは苦しみを受け入れられる無限の抱擁能力。 名言 ・My son is no genius, but he got into Harvard 私の息子は決して天才ではないが、ハーバード大学に入学しました。 〔IQが140以上 {いじょう} の〕天才 {てんさい}Christian NorbergSchulz is the most underrated scholar within the field of phenomenology of architecture This is largely due to myth that he leans too much towards psychology and thus is not a serious philosopher

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Samuel E Wright Samuel E Wright (born ) is an American actor and singer He is best known as the voice of Sebastian in Disney's The Little Mermaid, for which he provided the main vocals to "Under the Sea", which won the Academy Award for Best Original Song昨日、実践的な英語の講義を取りました。 その講義の先生に You'r genius!A daemon , a daimon ( cf Ancient Greek δαί μω ν ( da ímōn ) ) an inborn nature or innate character , especially ( though not exclusively )
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Genius 1 Read on 8 None of these jobs is as important or as tough as eight hours or so she spends each day fetching water 英語 東京の電車(地下鉄を含む)って全部で何本通っている Genius 1 Lesson2 More Than Just a piece of Cloth (1) ただの布1枚以上のものOrigins The Church of the SubGenius was founded by Ivan Stang (born Douglas St Clair Smith) and Philo Drummond (born Steve Wilcox) as the SubGenius Foundation Dr X (born Monte Dhooge) was also present at the group's inception The organization's first recorded activity was the publication of a photocopied document, Sub Genius Pamphlet #1, disseminated in Dallas, Texas in 1979

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